Important Dates:
Paper submission: (30th of April) 20th of May 2011
Notification of acceptance/rejection: (15th of May) 10th of June 2011
Camera Ready submission: (30th of May) 20th of June 2011
Program chairs
Professor Hassan Kazemian, Director of Intelligent Systems Research Centre,
Faculty of Computing, London Metropolitan University,
Tower Building, 166-220 Holloway Road,
London N7 8DB, UK.
Tel: ++44 (0) 207133 2933.
Pekka Kumpulainen Tampere University of Technology, Department of Automation Sciece and Engineering, Finland
Program Committee
- Azween B Abdullah, University Technology Petronas, Malaysia
- Kimmo Hatonen, Senior Specialist, Nokia Siemens Networks
- Mikko Laurikkala, Automation Science and Engineering, Tampere University of Technology
- Karim Ouazzane, London Metropolitan University
- Deepthi Ratnayake, London Metropolitan University
- Guillaume Remy, London Metropolitan University
- Iman Samizadeh, London Metropolitan University
- Chu-Ting (Ronnie) Cheung, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Pekko Vehvilainen, Senior Manager, Mobile Solutions, Nokia Group
- Hamada R. H. Al-Absi, University Technology Petronas, Malaysia
- Muhammad Agni Catur Bhakti, University Technology Petronas, Malaysia
- Vasaki Ponnusamy, University Technology Petronas, Malaysia
- Alan G. Downe, University Technology Petronas, Malaysia.
- Jun Li, London Metropolitan University.
- Shanyu Tang, London Metropolitan University .
The theme of the workshop
Nowadays, some degree of intelligence has been incorporated within most areas of telecommunication for all domestic,
industrial, medical and manufacturing products and services, in particular in the USA, Japan, Europe and China. Digital
telecommunication has been enjoying a momentous growth for the past two to three decades and contributed significantly
to the world economy. There has been a considerable amount of research in the applications of soft computing to all aspects
of telecommunications. However, the level of intelligence provided by the soft computing techniques are still in its infancy
and has an infinite potential for further growth worldwide, thus, leaving plenty of room for advancement. The 1st workshop
on the Applications of Soft Computing to Telecommunications endeavors to bring all the recent novel research in this
area under one umbrella and to provide a forum for further discussion.
Topics of interest
The workshop has been established to promote research into the practical applications of soft computing to telecommunications
and encourages papers from industry and academia in the following areas. The applications of Fuzzy logic, neural networks,
neuro-fuzzy, genetic algorithms, neuro-genetic, self organized swarm intelligence, probability and general AI techniques to
any area of telecommunications, such as Internet, broadband, wired and wireless networks, satellite, mobile, wide area networks,
metropolitan area networks, local area networks, home area networks, smart home, personal area networks and ad hoc networks.
The workshop also considers any other papers within the Applications of Soft Computing to Telecommunications area.
All papers should be submitted to both Program chairs: and also
Papers should be submitted either in a doc or in a pdf form and they should be peer reviewed by at least 2 academic referees.
They should not exceed 10 pages formatted according to the well known LNCS Springer style.
Accepted papers will be presented orally in the conference for 20 minutes and they will be published in the Proceedings of the
main event.
They will be also considered for potential selection for publication in the Special Issues that will be edited.