

Registration type Until June 29th, 2010After June 30th, 2010
ENNS/INNS Member500€550€
Non-ENNS/INNS Member530€580€
Over-length Fee: 100€ per page
Additional Paper Fee: 300€ per paper

To register, please, click here.


The registration fee for participants includes: Conference Attendance including all workshops, Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner, Coffee Breaks, Conference Proceedings.
The registration fee for students includes: Conference Attendance including all workshops, Welcome Reception, Coffee Breaks, Conference Proceedings.

The length of the camera ready copies of accepted papers is 10 pages. Extra pages can be included in the proceedings by paying the over-length fee for each extra page.

According to the conference policy, at least one regular (non-student) registration for each accepted paper should be made at the time of submission of camera-ready version, for inclusion of the paper in the proceedings. However, in case of multiple papers of the same author, additional papers by the same author can be included in the technical program and proceedings by paying the Additional Paper Fee.