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Conferences in DBLP

Artificial Intelligence in Education (aied)
2009 (conf/aied/2009)

  1. Can Computers Teach You To Think And Care? The Modeling Debates Revisited. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  2. Open-domain sketch understanding for AI and Education. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  3. Exploiting User Generated Content to Improve Search. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  4. Cohesion Relationships in Tutorial Dialogue as Predictors of Affective States. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  5. Emotion Sensors Go To School. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  6. Modeling Task-Based vs. Affect-based Feedback Behavior in Pedagogical Agents: An Inductive Approach. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  7. Adapting to Student Uncertainty Improves Tutoring Dialogues. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  8. Affective Gendered Learning Companions. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  9. Predicting Learner Answers Correctness through Brainwaves Assesment and Emotional Dimensions. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  10. Antecedent-Consequent Relationships and Cyclical Patterns between Affective States and Problem Solving Outcomes. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  11. The Impact of Privacy on Learners in the Context of a Web-Based Test. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  12. What Students Expect May Have More Impact Than What They Know or Feel. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  13. Affective Artificial Intelligence in Education: From Detection to Adaptation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  14. Development of Production System for Anywhere and Class Practice. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  15. Off-Task Behavior in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  16. Using Task-Based Modeling to Generate Scaffolding in Narrative-Guided Exploratory Learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  17. A Reconfigurable Architecture for Building Intelligent Learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  18. Evidence of Misunderstandings in Tutorial Dialogue and their Impact on Learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  19. Educational Question Answering based on Social Media Content. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  20. Discovering Tutorial Dialogue Strategies with Hidden Markov Models. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  21. Using Natural Language Processing to Analyze Tutorial Dialogue Corpora Across Domains Modalities. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  22. An Overview of LSA-Based Systems for Supporting Learning and Teaching. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  23. Assessing Student Paraphrases Using Lexical Semantics and Word Weighting. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  24. Analysing Semantic Flow in Academic Writing. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  25. Interactive Paraphrase Training: The Development and Testing of an iSTART Module. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  26. Automated Assessment of Oral Reading Prosody. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  27. To Elicit Or To Tell: Does It Matter? [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  28. Intelligent Authoring of 'Graph of Microworlds' for Adaptive Learning with Microworlds based on Compositional Modeling. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  29. Structuring Learning/Instructional Strategies through a State-based Modeling. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  30. Using Data Mining Techniques to Support the Creation of Competence Ontologies. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  31. Looking Into Collaborative Learning: Design from Macro- and Micro-Script Perspectives. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  32. Fostering engaged and directed learning by activity foregrounding and backgrounding. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  33. Will Google destroy western democracy? Bias in policy problem solving. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  34. Discovering Causal Models of Self-Regulated Learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  35. A model of learners profiles management process. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  36. Highlighting Learning Across a Degree with an Independent Open Learner Model. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  37. Handling Uncertainty and Multiple Perspectives for Learner Modeling by Cognitive Mapping. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  38. Student Knowledge Diagnosis Using Item Response Theory and Constraint-Based Modeling. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  39. Belief Exploration in a Multiple-Media Open Learner Model for Basic Harmony. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  40. A Recommender System for Collaborative Knowledge. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  41. Are Your Students Working Creatively Together? Automatically Recognizing Creative Turns in Student e-Discussions. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  42. Knowledge Co-construction and Initiative in Peer Learning Interactions. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  43. MOT 2.0: A Case Study on the Usefuleness of Social Modeling for Personalized E-Learning Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  44. Modeling Helping Behavior in an Intelligent Tutor for Peer Tutoring. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  45. Towards Automatic Assessment for Project Based Learning Groups. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  46. Use of Semantics to Build an Academic Writing Community Environment. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  47. Engaging Collaborative Learners with Helping Agents. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  48. Revisiting Ill-Definedness and the Consequences for ITSs. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  49. Exploiting Partial Problem Spaces Learned from Users' Interactions to Provide Key Tutoring Services in Procedural and Ill-Defined Domains. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  50. Feedback Specificity and the Learning of Intercultural Communication Skills. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  51. An Evaluation of Sociocultural Data for Predicting Attitudinal Tendencies. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  52. Error-Based Simulation to Promote Awareness of Errors in Elementary Mechanics and Its Evaluation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  53. Intelligent Support for Inquiry Learning from Images: A Learning Scenario and Tool. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  54. Scaffolding effective help-seeking behaviour in mastery and performance oriented learners. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  55. Developing Navigation Planning Skill with Learner-Adaptable Scaffolding. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  56. Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Multiple Representations and Self-Explanation Prompts Support Learning of Fractions. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  57. Self-regulated Fading in On-line Learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  58. To Tutor or Not to Tutor: That is the Question. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  59. Generating Instruction Automatically for the Reading Strategy of Self-Questioning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  60. Educational Software Features that Encourage and Discourage "Gaming the System". [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  61. Detecting Significant Events in Lecture Video using Supervised Machine Learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  62. I learn from you, you learn from me: How to make iList learn from students. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  63. Detecting the Learning Value of Items In a Randomized Problem Set. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  64. The Impact of Off-task and Gaming Behaviors on Learning: Immediate or Aggregate? [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  65. Intelligent Learning Object Guide (iLOG): A Framework for Automatic Empirically-Based Metadata Generation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  66. Using Learning Decomposition to Analyze Instructional Effectiveness in the ASSISTment System. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  67. Performance Factors Analysis - A New Alternative to Knowledge Tracing. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  68. Personal Access Tutor - helping students to learn MS Access. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  69. An Intelligent Partner for Organizing a Paragraph. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  70. MAGADI: a Blended-Learning Framework for Overall Learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  71. Consultation of Misconceptions Representations by Students in Education-Related Courses. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  72. Narrative Creation from Online Video as Knowledge Representation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  73. Effects of Erroneous Examples - Results of a Preliminary School Experiment. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  74. Adaptive Feedback in an Educational Game for Number Factorization. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  75. Developing an ITS in Sudoku. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  76. Motivational Diagnosis in ITSs: Collaborative, Reflective Self-Report. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  77. Assessing Argument Diagrams in an Ill-defined Domain. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  78. From Conceptual Models to Agent-based Simulations: Why and How. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  79. Collaborative Dialog While Studying Worked-out Examples. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  80. Granularity-Adaptive Proof Presentation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  81. Operation ARIES!: A Computerized Game for Teaching Scientific Inquiry. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  82. Transfer Learning and Representation Discovery in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  83. Implementing Role- and Relationship-based Identity Management in E-learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  84. Different forms of Scaffolding, Different Learning Outcomes. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  85. A Phoneme-Based Student Model for Adaptive Spelling Training. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  86. Learner Trust in Learner Model Externalisations. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  87. An experiment to measure learning in a collaborative assessment environment. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  88. Can relaxation exercises improve learning? [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  89. Identifying strategies in user's exploratory learning behaviour for mathematical generalisation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  90. An Analysis and Feedback Infrastructure for Argumentation Learning Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  91. Who Helps When the Tutor Is Asleep? [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  92. MetaTutor: Analyzing Self-Regulated Learning in a Tutoring System for Biology. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  93. Educational Narrative and Student Modeling for Ill-Defined Domains. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  94. Bringing Qualitative Reasoning Models into the Classroom for Scientific Education of Deaf Students. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  95. Learners' exploratory behavior within MetaTutor. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  96. Evaluating an Authoring Tool for Mini-Dialogs. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  97. An abstract modeling of learning environments to ensure tracking of learners. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  98. An Evaluation of Pedagogical Feedbacks in DIAGRAM, a Learning Environment for Object-Oriented Modeling. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  99. A Study on the Automatic Selection of Candidate Sentences Distractors. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  100. Interaction Preferences and Learning in an Inspectable Learner Model for Language. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  101. Learning by Guiding a Teachable Agent to Play an Educational Game. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  102. The "DeMAND" coding scheme: A "common language" for representing and analyzing student discourse. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  103. Combining Evaluative and Generative Diagnosis in ACTIVEMATH. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  104. Virtual Team Members for Team Training. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  105. The Relationship Between Modality and Metacognition While Interacting with AutoTutor. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  106. Tough Love: The Influence of an Agent's Negative Affect on Students' Learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  107. Incorporating Vicarious Learning Environments with Discourse Scaffolds into Physics Classrooms. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  108. Affect Recognition from Speech. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  109. Toward Scenario Adaptation for Learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  110. Building a knowledge-based recommender for inclusive eLearning scenarios. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  111. Explicit Social Goals and Learning in a Game for Cross-cultural Negotiation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  112. Children who Interpret Graphs as Pictures. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  113. Flexible Environment for Supervising Simulation-Based Learning Situations. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  114. Learning to Identify Students' Off-Task Behavior in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  115. Identifying Unresolved Issues in Online Student Discussions: A Multi-Phase Dialogue Classification Approach. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  116. The Extensible Problem-Specific Tutor (xPST): Evaluation of an API for Tutoring on Existing Interfaces. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  117. MentorMatch: Using student mentors to scaffold participation and learning within an online discussion board. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  118. Orchestrating Collaborative Learning in a 1: 1 Technology Classroom. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  119. Inducing positive emotional state in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  120. EAGLE: An Intelligent Tutoring System to Support Experiential Learning Through Video Games. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  121. Predicting Stress Level Variation from Learner Characteristics and Brainwaves. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  122. Eliciting Emotional Thought During Critical Reading for Academic Writing. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  123. Animal Companion Approach to Fostering Students' Effort-Making Behaviors. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  124. From Cognitive to Pedagogical Knowledge Models in Problem-Solving ITS Frameworks. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  125. Designing Virtual Animal Companions by Emotional Responsibility Strategy. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  126. Can Virtual Human Build Rapport and Promote Learning? [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  127. Intelligent Coaching for Collaboration in Ill-Defined Domains. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  128. Motivation and Collaboration On-Line. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  129. A VR Environment for Assessing Dental Surgical Expertise. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  130. Utility in hint generation: Selection of hints from a corpus of student work. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  131. Scaffolding Motivation and Metacognition in Learning Programming. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  132. Schema Acquisition: Implications for the Instructional Design of Examples. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  133. A Probabilistic Model for Student Knowledge Diagnosis in Learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  134. Toward Adaptive Presentations of Student Models in eLearning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  135. The Friend: Socially-Intelligent Tutoring and Collaboration. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  136. Personalised Support for Reflective Learning in Fire Risk Assessment. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  137. Effective Tutoring with Affective Embodied Conversational Agents. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  138. The Illusion of Adaptivity as Instructional Method in Learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  139. 'Your half is bigger than mine': motivating children to understand fractions. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  140. The Effect of Mood on Medical Students' Diagnostic Performance. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  141. Recommendations support in standard-based learning management systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  142. Investigating the Effects of Social Goals in a Negotiation Game with Virtual Humans. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  143. Validating and Representing Case Based Knowledge. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  144. Learning from Feedback In BioWorld. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  145. Demonstrating Empathy in a Learning Mentor Agent. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  146. The Use of IRT for Adaptive Item Selection in Item-Based Learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  147. Integrating Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge for Middle-school Math. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  148. Educational Narrative-Based Environment to Teach Ethics. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  149. Alelo's Conversational AI Technologies for Language and Culture Education. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  150. A Simulator for Explaining Organic Reactions through Qualitative Reasoning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  151. The MATHESIS Algebra Tutor: Web-based Expert Tutoring via Deep Model Tracing. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  152. ARIES: An Intelligent Tutoring System Assisted by Conversational Agents. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  153. Modelling Achievement Goal Orientation in the Ecolab: A Simulated Science Environment for Primary-aged Children. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  154. Encouraging Classrooms that Care. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  155. Collaborative assessment with SIETTE. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  156. Supporting the Process of Academic Writing through Semantic Social Scaffolding. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  157. Metatutor: An adaptive system for fostering self-regulated learning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  158. AutoTutor Lite. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  159. GnuTutor: An open source intelligent tutoring system. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  160. An Eco-Friendly Intelligent Environment for Exploring Mathematical Generalisation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  161. Scalability Issues in AIED. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  162. The 2nd Workshop on Question Generation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  163. The Second Workshop on Culturally Aware Tutoring Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  164. Closing the Affective Loop in Intelligent Learning Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  165. SWEL'09 @ AIED'09: Ontologies and Social Semantic Web for Intelligent Educational Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  166. Intelligent Educational Games. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  167. Enabling creative learning design: how HCI, User Modelling and Human Factors help. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  168. Towards User Modeling and Adaptive Systems for All (TUMAS-A 2009): Modeling and Evaluation of Accessible Intelligent Learning Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  169. Intelligent Support for Exploratory Environments. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  170. Natural Language Processing in support of Learning: Metrics, Feedback, and Connectivity. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

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