Please note that
STARS is still in testing mode and as a result it is not uploaded to Google Play Store.
In order to run it in your mobile you have to go to the folder STARS (app-debug.apk)
has downloaded on your mobile, pass the warnings and install it yourself. It is very easy and you can do it in 1 minute.
Thank you for downloading STARS.
Don' t hesitate to inform us for any bug, problem or suggestions.
A real time SpatioTextual
Recommender System
Nowadays, new trends and opportunities raise up with the use of mobiles and internet. Users check-in different locations and post their opinion about business stores and products. Thus, users want to be updated about "hot" locations and reviews. To overcome this problem we created a new spatio-textual recommender system that provide 1) friend, 2) review, and 3) Point-of-Interest recommendations.
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