Authors are strongly encouraged to use the correct document style which is the Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. This should be done for their initial submission, so that preparation of the final papers is simplified.
Also note that according to the conference policy, at least one regular registration for each accepted paper must be made at the time of submission of the final version, for inclusion of the paper in the technical program and the proceedings.
Detailed instructions for preparing the manuscript in the required format can be found here: (author_instructions.pdf), as well as within the following templates:
Submission will be done using the EasyChair web application:
Please note that at the accepted papers are only of type pdf, doc and docx. The authors of the accepted papers will submit their source files at a later stage.
Authors are invited to electronically submit original, English-language research contributions no longer than 10 pages formatted according to the aforementioned LNCS Springer style, or experience reports. Submitted papers must present unpublished work, not being considered for publication in other journals or conferences.
Correct your paper by following the remarks of the referees and by adjusting your paper based on the above mentioned LNCS Springer format.
Upload to easychair a camera-ready version archive in zip format file including all the following:
by the 21st of June 2014 the latest.