10th International Conference on

Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
(AIAI 2014)

Island of Rhodes, Greece, September 19-21, 2014

New Methods and Tools for Big Data

The provision of large amount of data from various sources (Internet, Social Media, Application Logs, Data Warehouses, Sensors, Mobiles, Open Data, etc.) is now emerging the collection and processing of “Big Data”. While Big Data notion is adopted from both academic and enterprise communities, there is currently a wide gap between its potential and its realization. Variety, velocity, scale, complexity, interpretation and security problems with Big Data raise challenges at all phases of the pipeline that can extract information and knowledge from it. Thus, there is a natural interest in using these data asset to improve a variety of applications. It is very interesting to explore how the researchers utilize data-driven strategies and discover what disciplines will charge because of the advent of data. With the vast amount of data now available modern business are facing with the challenges of storage, management, analysis, privacy, visualization, security and data integration.

The aim of this workshop is to serve as an interdisciplinary forum for bringing together specialists from the scientific areas of Computer Engineering, Finance and Operational Research. The focus of this workshop is on current technological advances and challenges about the development of big data-driven algorithms and methods and tools. Furthermore, it would be very interesting to investigate if the use of a vast amount of data leads to more accurate models or not.

Therefore, the Workshop on “New Methods and Tools for Big Data (MT4BD-2014)” will welcome paper submissions introducing and implementing methods and tools to address various algorithms and methods for processing, modeling and mining of big data and applications. This workshop will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following new techniques and applications relevant to the big data topic:

  • Big Data Analytics;
    • Business intelligence and analytics;
    • Interactive Visualisation Technologies and Visual Analytics;
    • Personalization;
    • Semantics;
    • Data mining;
    • Human Collaboration (crowdsoursing)
  • Tools and Applications:
    • E-commerce;
    • E-learning;
    • Smart Health and Wellbeing;
    • Smart Cities;
    • Sensors Networks;
    • Industrial Automation;
    • Systems Biology and Bioinformatics;
    • Geoinformatics;
    • Financial Forecasting and Trading;
    • Security
  • Big Data Architectures and Frameworks
    • Cloud computing;
    • Grid computing;
    • Data storage and processing frameworks;
    • Security and privacy;

url: http://mt4bd2014.ceid.upatras.gr 


Authors are strongly encouraged to follow the submission guidelines of the AIAI 2014 conference. 

Submission will be done using the EasyChair web application at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mt4bd2014 . 

New Keynote Speech

We are glad to inform you that a keynote speech entitled “Visual Analytics Technologies for the Efficient Processing and Analysis of Big Data” will be held in the framework of the MT4BD 2014 workshop by Dr. Dimitrion Tzovaras.

For more information please visit the Keynote Speech page in workshop’s web site.

Programm Committee

  • Spiros Likothanassis, University of Patras, GR, email: likothan@ceid.upatras.gr,
  • Dimitris Tzovaras, CERTH/ITI, GR
  • Eero Hyvönen, Aalto University, FI
  • Jörn Kohlhammer, Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD, DE
  • George Pavlidis, University of Patras, GR
  • Konstantinos Theofilatos, University of Patras, GR
  • Konstantinos Votis, CERTH/ITI, GR
  • Dimitris Kotsomitropoulos, University of Patras, GR
  • Christos Alexakos, University of Patras, GR
Last update on 14:08, August 22nd, 2014 by MT4BD2014