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Jeff Magee: [Publications] [Author Rank by year] [Co-authors] [Prefers] [Cites] [Cited by]

Publications of Author

  1. Howard Foster, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, Michael Hu
    Using a Rigorous Approach for Engineering Web Service Compositions: A Case Study. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE SCC, 2005, pp:217-224 [Conf]
  2. Howard Foster, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Model-Based Analysis of Obligations in Web Service Choreography. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    AICT/ICIW, 2006, pp:149- [Conf]
  3. Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Model-Based Design of Concurrent Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    25 Years Communicating Sequential Processes, 2004, pp:211-219 [Conf]
  4. Robert Chatley, Susan Eisenbach, Jeff Magee
    MagicBeans: a Platform for Deploying Plugin Components. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Component Deployment, 2004, pp:97-112 [Conf]
  5. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Exposing the Skeleton in the Coordination Closet. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    COORDINATION, 1997, pp:18-31 [Conf]
  6. Edoardo Bontà, Marco Bernardo, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Synthesizing Concurrency Control Components from Process Algebraic Specifications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    COORDINATION, 2006, pp:28-43 [Conf]
  7. Jeff Magee, Susan Eisenbach, Jeff Kramer
    Modelling Darwin in the Pi-Caculus. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Dagstuhl Seminar on Distributed Systems, 1994, pp:133-152 [Conf]
  8. Naranker Dulay, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Morris Sloman, Kevin P. Twidle
    Distributed System Construction: Experience with the Conic Toolkit. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Experiences with Distributed Systems, 1987, pp:189-212 [Conf]
  9. Christos T. Karamanolis, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Jeff Magee, Stuart M. Wheater
    Model Checking of Workflow Schemas. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    EDOC, 2000, pp:170-181 [Conf]
  10. Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Checking Progress with Action Priority: Is it Fair? [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE, 1999, pp:511-527 [Conf]
  11. Jeff Magee, Naranker Dulay, Susan Eisenbach, Jeff Kramer
    Specifying Distributed Software Architectures. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC, 1995, pp:137-153 [Conf]
  12. Dan Hirsch, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
    Modes for Software Architectures. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    EWSA, 2006, pp:113-126 [Conf]
  13. Robert Chatley, Susan Eisenbach, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
    Predictable Dynamic Plugin Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FASE, 2004, pp:129-143 [Conf]
  14. Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, Dimitra Giannakopoulou
    Analysing the behaviour of distributed software architectures: a case study. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTDCS, 1997, pp:240-247 [Conf]
  15. Douglas I. Donaldson, Jeff Magee
    Distributed System Design using CORBA Components. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HICSS (1), 1997, pp:4-13 [Conf]
  16. Keng Ng, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Naranker Dulay
    The Software Architect's Assistant-a visual environment for distributed programming. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HICSS (2), 1995, pp:254-263 [Conf]
  17. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Anthony Finkelstein
    A Constructive Approach to the Design of Distributed Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICDCS, 1990, pp:580-587 [Conf]
  18. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Morris Sloman
    Intertask Communication Primitives for Distributed Computer Control Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICDCS, 1981, pp:404-411 [Conf]
  19. Christos T. Karamanolis, Jeff Magee
    Client--Access Protocols for Replicated Services. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICECCS, 1997, pp:106-0 [Conf]
  20. Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
    Model-based Simulation of Web Applications for Usability Assessment. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE Workshop on SE-HCI, 2003, pp:5-11 [Conf]
  21. Robert Chatley, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Fluent-based web animation: exploring goals for requirements validation. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2005, pp:674-675 [Conf]
  22. Betty H. C. Cheng, David Garlan, Rogério de Lemos, Jeff Magee, Richard Taylor, Stephen Fickas, Hausi A. Müller
    Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2006, pp:1015-1016 [Conf]
  23. Howard Foster, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    LTSA-WS: a tool for model-based verification of web service compositions and choreography. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2006, pp:771-774 [Conf]
  24. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Distributed Software Architectures (Tutorial). [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 1997, pp:633-634 [Conf]
  25. Jeff Magee, Mauro Pezzè
    The ICSE2000 doctoral workshop. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2000, pp:697- [Conf]
  26. Jeff Magee, Nat Pryce, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Jeff Kramer
    Graphical animation of behavior models. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2000, pp:499-508 [Conf]
  27. Emmanuel Letier, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
    Monitoring and control in scenario-based requirements analysis. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2005, pp:382-391 [Conf]
  28. Jeff Magee
    Who needs doctors? (abstract of panel session). [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2000, pp:669- [Conf]
  29. Jeff Magee
    Behavioral Analysis of Software Architectures Using LTSA. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 1999, pp:634-637 [Conf]
  30. Kevin J. Sullivan, Jeff Magee
    Science of design. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE, 2005, pp:46- [Conf]
  31. Howard Foster, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Compatibility Verification for Web Service Choreography. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICWS, 2004, pp:738-741 [Conf]
  32. Howard Foster, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Tool Support for Model-Based Engineering of Web Service Compositions. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICWS, 2005, pp:95-102 [Conf]
  33. Steve Crane, Naranker Dulay, Halldor Fosså, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Morris Sloman, Kevin P. Twidle
    Configuration management for distributed software services. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Integrated Network Management, 1995, pp:29-42 [Conf]
  34. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Environment requirements for system evolution. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ISPW, 1984, pp:77-85 [Conf]
  35. Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, Bashar Nuseibeh, David Bush, Julia Sonander
    Hybrid Model Visualization in Requirements and Design: A Preliminary Investigation. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IWSSD, 2000, pp:3-10 [Conf]
  36. Howard Foster, Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Model-based Verification of Web Service Compositions. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASE, 2003, pp:152-163 [Conf]
  37. Ulf Leonhardt, Jeff Magee
    Multi-Sensor Location Tracking. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    MOBICOM, 1998, pp:203-214 [Conf]
  38. Jeff Magee, Naranker Dulay
    A Configuration Approach to Parallel Programming. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PARLE (2), 1991, pp:313-330 [Conf]
  39. Jeff Magee, Naranker Dulay
    MP: A Programming Environment for Multicomputers. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Programming Environments for Parallel Computing, 1992, pp:1-16 [Conf]
  40. Sebastián Uchitel, Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Fluent-Based Animation: Exploiting the Relation between Goals and Scenarios for Requirements Validation. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    RE, 2004, pp:208-217 [Conf]
  41. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
    Software Architecture Modeling & Analysis: A Rigorous Approach. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SFM, 2003, pp:44-51 [Conf]
  42. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Change management of distributed systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, 1988, pp:- [Conf]
  43. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Morris Sloman
    Configuring distributed systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, 1992, pp:- [Conf]
  44. Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Jeff Magee
    Fluent model checking for event-based systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE, 2003, pp:257-266 [Conf]
  45. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Engineering distributed software: a structural discipline. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, 2005, pp:283-285 [Conf]
  46. Emmanuel Letier, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
    Fluent temporal logic for discrete-time event-based models. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, 2005, pp:70-79 [Conf]
  47. Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Dynamic Structure in Software Architectures. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGSOFT FSE, 1996, pp:3-14 [Conf]
  48. Sebastián Uchitel, Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    System architecture: the context for scenario-based model synthesis. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGSOFT FSE, 2004, pp:33-42 [Conf]
  49. Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Detecting implied scenarios in message sequence chart specifications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE, 2001, pp:74-82 [Conf]
  50. Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Negative scenarios for implied scenario elicitation. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGSOFT FSE, 2002, pp:109-118 [Conf]
  51. Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Behaviour model elaboration using partial labelled transition systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE, 2003, pp:19-27 [Conf]
  52. Christos T. Karamanolis, Jeff Magee
    Configurable Highly Availbale Distributed Services. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 1995, pp:118-127 [Conf]
  53. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Modelling for Mere Mortals. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    TACAS, 1999, pp:1-18 [Conf]
  54. Sebastián Uchitel, Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    LTSA-MSC: Tool Support for Behaviour Model Elaboration Using Implied Scenarios. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    TACAS, 2003, pp:597-601 [Conf]
  55. Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
    Visual methods for web application design. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HCC, 2003, pp:242-244 [Conf]
  56. Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, Dimitra Giannakopoulou
    Behaviour Analysis of Software Architectures. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WICSA, 1999, pp:35-50 [Conf]
  57. Ioannis Georgiadis, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
    Self-organising software architectures for distributed systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WOSS, 2002, pp:33-38 [Conf]
  58. Keng Ng, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    A CASE Tool for Software Architecture Design. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Autom. Softw. Eng., 1996, v:3, n:3/4, pp:261-284 [Journal]
  59. Ulf Leonhardt, Jeff Magee, Paul Dias
    Location service in mobile computing environments. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Computers & Graphics, 1996, v:20, n:5, pp:627-632 [Journal]
  60. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Keng Ng
    Graphical Configuration Programming: The Structural Description, Construction and Evolution of Software Systems Using Graphics. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Computer, 1989, v:22, n:10, pp:53-65 [Journal]
  61. Rob C. van Ommering, Frank van der Linden, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    The Koala Component Model for Consumer Electronics Software. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Computer, 2000, v:33, n:3, pp:78-85 [Journal]
  62. Jeff Magee, Naranker Dulay, Jeff Kramer
    Regis: a constructive development environment for distributed programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Distributed Systems Engineering, 1994, v:1, n:5, pp:304-312 [Journal]
  63. Christos T. Karamanolis, Jeff Magee
    Construction and management of highly available services in open distributed systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Distributed Systems Engineering, 1998, v:5, n:1, pp:29-0 [Journal]
  64. Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Implied Scenario Detection in the Presence of Behaviour Constraints. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 2002, v:65, n:7, pp:- [Journal]
  65. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Analysing dynamic change in distributed software architectures. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEE Proceedings - Software, 1998, v:145, n:5, pp:146-154 [Journal]
  66. Ulf Leonhardt, Jeff Magee
    Stability Considerations for a Distributed Location Service. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Network Syst. Manage., 1998, v:6, n:1, pp:- [Journal]
  67. Sebastián Uchitel, Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Goal and scenario validation: a fluent combination. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Requir. Eng., 2006, v:11, n:2, pp:123-137 [Journal]
  68. Jeff Magee, Shing-Chi Cheung
    Parallel Algorithm Design for Workstation Clusters. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Softw., Pract. Exper., 1991, v:21, n:3, pp:235-250 [Journal]
  69. Carlo Ghezzi, Jeff Magee, H. Dieter Rombach, Mary Lou Soffa
    Editorial. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2003, v:12, n:1, pp:1-2 [Journal]
  70. Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Incremental elaboration of scenario-based specifications and behavior models using implied scenarios. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2004, v:13, n:1, pp:37-85 [Journal]
  71. Christos T. Karamanolis, Jeff Magee
    Client Access Protocols for Replicated Services. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1999, v:25, n:1, pp:3-21 [Journal]
  72. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Dynamic Configuration for Distributed Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1985, v:11, n:4, pp:424-436 [Journal]
  73. Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    The Evolving Philosophers Problem: Dynamic Change Management. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1990, v:16, n:11, pp:1293-1306 [Journal]
  74. Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, Morris Sloman
    Constructing Distributed Systems in Conic. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1989, v:15, n:6, pp:663-675 [Journal]
  75. Sebastián Uchitel, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee
    Synthesis of Behavioral Models from Scenarios. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 2003, v:29, n:2, pp:99-115 [Journal]
  76. Betty H. C. Cheng, Rogério de Lemos, Stephen Fickas, David Garlan, Marin Litoiu, Jeff Magee, Hausi A. Müller, Richard Taylor
    SEAMS 2007: Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICSE Companion, 2007, pp:152-153 [Conf]
  77. Gwen Salaün, Jeff Kramer, Frédéric Lang, Jeff Magee
    Translating FSP into LOTOS and Networks of Automata. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IFM, 2007, pp:558-578 [Conf]
  78. Howard Foster, Wolfgang Emmerich, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, David Rosenblum, Sebastián Uchitel
    Model checking service compositions under resource constraints. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, 2007, pp:225-234 [Conf]

  79. 08031 Abstracts Collection -- Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  80. 08031 -- Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research Road Map. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  81. Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research Roadmap. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  82. A Case Study in Goal-Driven Architectural Adaptation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  83. Self-Managed Systems: an Architectural Challenge. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  84. SEAMS 2009: Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  85. Fifth Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2010). [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  86. SEAMS 2007: Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  87. Towards Self-management in Service-Oriented Computing with Modes. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  88. Exploiting non-functional preferences in architectural adaptation for self-managed systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  89. Plan-directed architectural change for autonomous systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  90. Web Service Composition: From Analysis to Autonomy. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  91. Leveraging Eclipse for integrated model-based engineering of web service compositions. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  92. Deriving event-based transition systems from goal-oriented requirements models. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  93. Evolving Software Architecture Descriptions of Critical Systems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

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