- Sideris G., Katsaros D., Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: The Science of Science and a Multilayer Network Approach to Scientists' Ranking, Proceedings of the 22nd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS'2018), pp. 5-11, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2018 (BIB)
- Stoupas G., Sidiropoulos A., Gogoglou A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Rainbow Ranking: An Adaptable, Multidimensional Ranking Method for Publication Sets, Scientometrics, 2018 (BIB)
- Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: The Fractal Dimension of a Citation Curve: Quantifying an Individual's Scientific Output Using the Geometry of the Entire Curve, Scientometrics, Vol.111, N.3, pp. 1751-1774, 2017 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Stoupas G., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: The Rainbow over the Greek Departments of Computer Science/Engineering: a Bibliometric Study, Proceedings of the 21st Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI'2017), Larissa, Greece, 2017 (BIB)
- Stoupas G., Sidiropoulos A., Gogoglou A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y..: A Rainbow at the Skyline after the Storm of Indicators for Ranking Scientists, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI'2017), Wuhan, China, 2017 (BIB)
- Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros A., Manolopoulos Y.: Quantifying an Individual's Scientific Output Using the Fractal Dimension of the Whole Citation Curve, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics & Scientometrics (WIS'2016), Nancy, France, 2016 (BIB)
- Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: A Scientist's Impact over Time: the Predictive Power of Clustering with Peers, Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS'2016), pp. 334-339, Montreal, Canada, 2016 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Gogoglou A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Gazing at the Skyline for Star Scientists, Journal of Informetrics, Vol.10, N.3, pp. 789-813, 2016 (BIB)
- Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Bibliometric Indices for the Assessment of the Citation Curve Tail, Proceedings of the 20th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI'2015), pp. 305-310, Athens, Greece, 2015 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Ranking and Identifying Influential Scientists vs. Mass Producers by the Perfectionism Index, Scientometrics, Vol.103, N.1, pp. 1-31, 2015 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Novel Scientific Indicators to Characterize an Individual's Scientific Research Output, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Trends & Applications in Computer Science & Information Technology (RTA-CSIT'2014), pp. 275-284, Tirana, Albania, 2014 (BIB)
- Stamos K., Pallis G., Vakali A., Katsaros D., Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: CDNSim: a Simulation Tool for Content Distribution Networks, ACM Transactions on Modeling & Computer Simulation, Vol.20, N.2, 2010 (BIB)
- Katsaros D., Pallis G., Stamos K., Vakali A., Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos, Y.: CDNs Content Outsourcing via Generalized Communities, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Vol.21, N.1, pp. 137-151, 2009 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Pallis G., Katsaros D., Stamos K., Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: Prefetching in Content Distribution Networks via Web Communities Identification and Outsourcing, World Wide Web, Vol.11, N.1, pp. 39-70, 2008 (BIB)
- Katsaros D., Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Age Decaying H-index for Social Networks of Citations, Proceedings of the Workshop on Social Aspects of the Web (SAW'2007) (in conjunction with BIS'2007), Poznan, Poland, 2007 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Generalized Hirsch h-index for Disclosing Latent Facts in Citation Networks, Scientometrics, Vol.72, N.2, 2007 (BIB)
- Pallis G., Stamos K., Vakali A., Katsaros D., Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos, Y.: Replication based on Objects Load under a Content Distribution Network, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Challenges in Web Information Retrieval & Integration (WIRI'2006) (in conjunction with ICDE'2006), pp. 172-180, Atlanta, GA, 2006 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A.: Finding Communities in Site Web-Graphs and Citation Graphs, Local Proceedings of the 10th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS'2006), pp. 75-90, 2006 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D.: Unfolding the Full Potential of H-Index for Bibliographic Ranking, Technical report, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2006. (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Generalized h-index for Revealing Latent Facts in Social Networks of Citations, Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Link Analysis: Dynamics & Statics of Large Networks (LinkKDD'2006) (in conjunction with ACM KDD'2006), Philadelphia, PA, 2006 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Generalized Comparison of Graph-based Ranking Algorithms for Publications and Authors, Journal of Systems & Software, Vol.79, N.12, pp. 1679-1700, 2006 (BIB)
- Pallis G., Vakali A., Stamos K., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos, Y.: A Latency-based Object Placement Approach in Content Distribution Networks, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Latin American Web Congress (LA-Web'2005), pp. 140-147, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2005 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: A New Perspective to Automatically Rank Scientific Conferences Using Digital Libraries, Information Processing & Management, Vol.41, N.2, pp. 22-29, 2005 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: A Citation-Based System to Assist Prize Awarding, ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol.34, N.4, pp. 54-60, 2005 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D.: Updating Web Views Distributed over Wide Area Networks, Proceedings of the 1st Balkan Conference on Informatics (BCI'2003), pp. 267-279, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003 (BIB)
- Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Automatically Ranking Scientific Conferences using Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the 9th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI'2003), pp. 446-461, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003 (BIB)
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