All years:   2004 2005 2006 2007
  2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Journal Publications 1999-2003

J2. Katsaros, P. and Lazos, C., A simulation test-bed for the design of dependable e-services, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, WSEAS Press, Vol. 4/2, 915-919, 2003
simulation, quality of service, fault tolerance, load distribution, state transfer& recovery, performance evaluation, distributed objects, e-services
J1. Katsaros, P. and Lazos, C., A technique for determining queuing network simulation length based on desired accuracy, International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 15 (6), CRL Publishing, 399-404, 2000
queuing networks, simulation, regenerative method

Book Chapters 1999-2003 

BC2. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., Regenerative estimation variants of response times in closed networks of queues, Advances in Multimedia, Video and Signal Processing Systems, Ed. by N. E. Mastorakis & V. V. Kluev, Electrical and Computer Engineering Series, WSEAS Press, 274-279, 2002
queuing networks, regenerative method, simulation output analysis, sequential control, coverage analysis
BC1. Stamelos, J., Refanidis, J., Katsaros, P., Tsoukias, A., Vlahavas, J., Pombortsis, A., An adaptable framework for educational software evaluation, Decision Making: Recent Developments and Worldwide Applications, Ed. by Zanakis & Doukidis, Applied Optimization Vol. 45, 347-360, Kluwer Academics, 2000
software evaluation, educational software, MCDA

Articles in Conference Proceedings 1999-2003 

C10. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., Approximate and simulation based analysis for distributed object software performance models, In Proceedings of the 2003 European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM 2003), EUROSIS, Naples, Italy, 409-414, 2003
C9. Karaiskos, Z., Katsaros, P. and Lazos, C., Single-pass static semantic check for efficient translation in YAPL, In Proceedings of the 1st Balkan Conference in Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece, 623-632, 2003
C8. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., A simulation test-bed for the design of dependable e-services, In Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Optimization (ICOSMO), Rethymno, Greece, 2003
C7. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., Structured performance modeling and analysis for object based distributed software systems, In Proceedings of the 15th ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, ISCA, Louisville, USA, 96-102, 2002
C6. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., Regenerative estimation variants of response times in closed networks of queues, In Proc. of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Optimization (ICOSMO), Skiathos, Greece, 2002
C5. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., Steady-state simulation of queuing processes in parallel time streams: problems and potentialities, In Proc. of the 5th Hellenic European Research Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications Conference, Athens, Greece, 370-376, 2001

Katsaros, P., Angelis, L., Lazos, C., Applied multiresponse metamodeling for queuing network simulation experiments: problems and perspectives, In Proc. of the EUROSIM 2001 Congress, EUROSIM, Delfts, The Netherlands, 2001

C3. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., Shared memory parallel regenerative queuing network simulation, In Proc. of the 15th European Simulation Multiconference, Society for Computer Simulation, Prague, The Czech Rep., 736-740, 2001
C2. Katsaros, P., Lazos, C., Regenerative queuing network distributed simulation, In Proc. of the 14th European Simulation Multiconference, Society for Computer Simulation, Gent, Belgium, 109-113, 2000
C1. Stamelos, J., Refanidis, J., Katsaros, P., Vlachavas, J., Tsoukias, A., Pombortsis, A., Automating the evaluation of educational software, In Proc. of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, 1369-1373, Athens, 1999

Books - Dissertations

B3. Katsaros, P., Performance Analysis of Distributed Software Architectures, PhD thesis, Dept. of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2002 (172 pages in Greek)
B2. Katsaros, P., Distributed Applications Development, Technical Report, Dept. of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1997 (70 pages in Greek)
B1. Katsaros, P., Computer Systems Performance Modelling, MSc thesis, Aston University Birmingham, 1993 (117 pages)

Other publications - presentations


Katsaros, P., Queuing network simulation in parallel time streams, The TRACS - ACCESS - MINOS User Group Meeting, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, Edinburgh, 26th of March 2001

O1. Katsaros, P., Queuing network simulation output analysis and parallel execution mechanisms, Dept. of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, June 2000